Tuesday, September 2, 2008


“Tiramisu”在意大利文的意思是“带我走”或“请记住我”,而Tiramisu 的典故是来自意大利一个美丽的传说。

第一次世界大战时期,意大利一位男子应军令出征,他的爱人对他依依不舍。男子马上要上战场,他的爱人在情急之中,为他做了一个蛋糕,心乱如麻的她,胡乱的将可可粉、鸡蛋、蛋糕粉等调和成蛋糕。她将蛋糕送到爱人手中,盼望他平安归来。这蛋糕,便是日后风靡全世界的“提拉米苏”。每当男子在战场吃到“提拉米苏 ”,便会想起自己的家乡,想起心爱的姑娘,想起美好的爱。

There is some debate regarding the history of tiramisu. Some believe it was actually first created during the First World War. Women in northern Italy made these desserts for the men to take with them as they were being sent off to war. Presumably to remind them of their love together; as the bitter-sweet taste of the dessert alludes to the perplexing feeling of love itself. Or more practically, they might have believed the high caffeine and energy content of these desserts will give their men more energy to fight and help bring them home safely.

Yet another story regarding tiramisu dates back even further. It is said that during the Renaissance periods, Venetian women made these to be shared with their men during the late hours because they believed it would give them the energy to make more vigorous love later.

Whatever the case may be with this romantic “pick me up” dessert, its ties to love are definitely unmistakable upon your first bite.

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